Inferiority complex about traditional madrasah syllabus

Qaseeda_Burda[1]A person by the name of Sa`eed-ul-Haq was studying at the same time as myself in Madrasah Mazaahir-ul-Uloom. He once requested me to accompany him to visit a relative of his who had come. I accepted his offer and joined him. When we met him he asked:

Relative: What is the total number of students studying in your madrasah?

After giving him the figures he said:

Relative: Apart from the great merits you have already received in the aakhirah(hereafter), tell me, what are the food arrangements for such a large number of students?

I was still a student with a lot of fervour and zeal. I could not control myself and I asked him:

Mufti Sahib: I would first like to know your beliefs and your motive? Then only will I answer you.

Relative: I am a Muslim.

Mufti Sahib: Jazakallah. A swine sleeps at night and wakes up the next morning with an empty stomach not withstanding the fact that it has already gained its rank in the hereafter. It fills its stomach by eating the filth that is around. In this way it makes the arrangements for its food.

This is also the view of a Muslim, that without any concern of the aakhirah he is only worried about his stomach. Now tell me, what is the difference between that swine and this Muslim?

This person became angrier than me but both of us managed to suppress ourselves.

Relative: I meant that it would be much better if history, maths and geography are included in the syllabus.

Mufti Sahib:According to you, one’s livelihood is based on these three subjects. A carpenter will say that according to him livelihood is based on his profession. So include carpentry in the syllabus as well. A washer-man will say that livelihood is based on washing. Therefore, the technique of washing should be included in the syllabus. A builder will say the same thing. Now tell me, will this remain a madrasah or will it turn into something else? Why should your requests be accepted and their requests rejected?

Relative:No. I only wanted to speak about these three subjects.

Mufti Sahib: The others will say that they only wanted to speak about their one speciality. Based on the fact that you are either unacquainted with the madrasah syllabus or you thought me to be unfamiliar with this (secular subject), you posed the question and regarded these three subjects as the basis. However, these three subjects do form part of our syllabus and are taught.

Relative:Where are these taught, for we find that the moulanas are backwards and stand (remain) in their same position?

Mufti Sahib:The command of standing appears in the Qur’aan:

(And stand for Allah Ta`ala obediently.) [2:238]

Therefore, we find them standing.

As with regard to them not possessing any knowledge, then it is only your personal impression that the Ulama do not possess any knowledge. In our madaaris history is also taught. However, the history that is taught is of an extremely high level, whereas in your colleges the history of a particular king or minister is taught and the historical facts have been collected by a few people. When they collected these facts they added their thoughts and ideologies and they did not commit themselves to relate genuine and substantiated facts. Furthermore, nobody trusts them.

makhtut ghazaliIn our madaaris, `ilm-e-hadeeth (science of hadeeth) is taught. The total number of Sahaabah radallahu anhum was 120000. Some glimpses of the lives of the greater personalities among the Sahaabah were recorded. Has such a large group ever written on the life of any other individual on the face of the earth? Bearing in mind the various historical facts and the matters related to the science of hadeeth, commitment was shown to authenticity and precision.

When Hadhrat Abu Hurairah radiallahu anhu used to narrate ahaadeeth he would say:

(I heard the inmate of this grave saying this….)

Another sahaabi used to say the following before narrating a hadeeth:

(One who deliberately attributes a lie towards me
should prepare his abode in the fire of Jahannum.)

What link does history have with the science of hadeeth? The history taught in your colleges is of some Richard and it was written by an Englishman. There are many examples of this nature.

Hadhrat Sa`d bin Abi Waqqas radialahu anhu wrote to Hadhrat Umar radiallahu anhu requesting him to send Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas`ood radiallahu anhu to Kufah as there was a dire need for his knowledge.

Hadhrat Umar radiallahu anhu replied: “Abdullah bin Mas`ood is such a personality that I myself am in need of him. However, I will give you preference over myself and send him to you.”

When Abdullah bin Mas`ood left Madinah Munawwarah he took 1500 students along with him who thereafter spread in the different suburbs of Kufah where they imparted the lessons in hadeeth.

Some of them sat beneath trees, some in open fields and others conducted their lessons in the corner of a musjid.

Ibnu Abi Shaibah rahimahullah used to conduct his lessons in Jamia Rassafah, Baghdad where 25 000 students would study hadeeth. This is history.

There is no moment of the life of Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam and especially the 23 years of nubuwwat which passed by unrecorded. Every action of Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam in its respective time has been preserved and recorded.

Well, could you explain to me the ghaayat(purpose) of history?

Relative:What do you mean by ghaayat?

Mufti Sahib:What is the purpose of history?

Relative:Acquiring information regarding certain incidents.

Mufti Sahib:Alas! It is a pity that you do not even know the purpose of history. If the purpose of history is what you have said then one should read the newspapers. There is information in it.

The purpose of history is to acquaint oneself with the conditions of the lives of that individual or group who one holds in esteem and deems most appropriate to follow. The reason being that in future, if one is confronted by a situation which they had faced, he would find the solution in the ways adopted by them.

Can there be anyone more honourable and greater than Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam in the sight of a Muslim? That is why the entire biography of Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam is taught in the madaaris. The biography spreads over different chapters with relevant ahadeeth being recorded therein. If an error was committed by anyone it is clearly indicated so that others may also be aware of it. Now tell me, what relationship does a Muslim have with Richard resulting in him following his way of life?

A Muslim has to follow the lifestyle of Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam . Second to the life of Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam are the lives of the Ambiyaa alayhimus salam. A fair amount of their lives are studied as well. Thus we find that a surahin the Qur’aan has been named Surat-ul-Ambiyaa.

Thereafter, the history of the Sahaabah radiallahu anhum is also taught in whom Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam had total confidence.

Then the lives of the taabi`een, tab`e-taabi`een, fuqahaa and muhadditheen are also studied.

In fact, a brief history of the authors of the different kitaabs which are taught is also discussed.

(taken from Malfuzaat Faqihul Ummat)

Comments 2

  • Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatULLAHI wa barakatuHU,

    I have a keen desire and intention to join a madrassah and study in a formal madrassah setting, so that I may partake of the innumerable blessings that Allah Ta’ala Bestows on the Ilmi gatherings, thereby benefitting myself and others by acting in accordance to the Ilm I thus acquire…but every time I try to get myself enrolled in a madrassah, something or the other turns up which takes me farther from realizing my intention and achieving my goal.I have even tried joining a madrassah online but it didnt help either… Please make dua that Allah SubhanaHU wa Ta’ala Eases all my affairs and may He SubhanaHU wa Ta’ala Make it extremely easy and immensely smooth for me to study in a madrassah and may He Azza wa Jalla Make this Ilm immensely Nafi’ for me, both in the dunya and in the aakhirah. Aameen thumma Aameen

    JazakALLAH Khair


    • Walaikum Assalam,

      May Allah keep your zeal ever growing and provide you with the ability and tawfeeq to undertake this auspicious journey.

      Whatever happens, do not deprive yourself from any opportunity of learning deen and fiqh. Remember the hadeeth which says that whosoever Allah Ta’ala intends good for, then He gives him understanding and fiqh in deen.

      In the least, look around the new websites which are coming up providing authentic courses. With the same vigour and zeal enrol in these courses to learn. Recently Mufti Tosir Saheb has started his Alimiyyah course online at .

      Some basic courses are also already under way at . Also keep an eye on our own for intensive certification courses in Fiqh and Usool al Fiqh.

      I make dua’ that Allah bless you in this world and Akhirah as well, Ameen.


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